Last week, while visiting the vet, Jenkins had a incident with a Dobermin-Pinscher. I'm not going to go into how it went down as I am a little disturbed at how my precious pitch-pitch could get bitten under a vets supervision. To sum it up, we went to see the vet about a skin condition and left with a small gash in the face with a staple holding it together. It looked as if someone took a paper stapler to his upper lip.
Yesterday, 4 days after the incident, I came home to find that Jenkins had been messing with his face-staple. It was sticking halfway out ready to catch on anything that came in its way. I called the vet and they said to bring him in asap. They took out the staple and informed me that since the wound wasn't finished healing that Jenkins would need a cone. As I waited in the waiting room while they fitted him with one, I kept cracking up laughing, imagining my poor Ponkey with a cone around his head.
I didn't laugh when I saw him though. Jenkins usually is such a happy dog - even after he was bitten, he seemed to just brush it off (as I am told by the vet.) I have never seen my dog more sad than yesterday. When we walked home from the vet he would sit down every 100 feet and have to be coaxed to continue walking again. His tail, which is usually tightly wound in a corkscrew manner was limp and hanging between his legs.
Today his spirits have picked up a bit - he has kept Alex and I company in the den - moping around hoping that we will give him pity and take off the cone.
Awwwwww poor Ponkey!!!!!!!!!!! He looks so cute though!!!! :)
Oh, that's too bad. Poor little guy. The CLEAR cone is a great innovation. Why didn't they think of that before?
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