This morning, while driving across the bridge I found myself staring at the license plate of a Saturn Ion that read, "EARTHY". Unless the driver of the car likes to take their Saturn Ion off-roading through the mud - I can only guess that they are trying to say that their car is environmentally friendly. Isn't that like saying a low-fat doughnut (do they even exist?) is 'healthy'? Or a child throwing a tantrum 'happy'?

He didn't even have another passenger in the car with him. Put that license on the back seat of your 10-speed buddy and I will give you the thumbs up. Otherwise, you are a gas-guzzler just like the rest of us, leaving your environmental footprint just as large as anyone else.
Someone get a bad mocha-chino this morning? Crank-a-saur...
Perhaps they like to spend time in the outdoors or wear browns. Maybe they are a geologist?
So 35mpg cars are 'gas-guzzlers' now?
You are missing my point. Reread 'lowfat doughnut' comment. A car is a car. Yeah, it is better than driving a big truck or an SUV, but it still consumes gasoline and pollutes. (Just like me and my VW) MY POINT: Don't advertise that you are earth-friendly on the back of an automobile.
I find more irony in the fact that they have a Saturn, yet put "Earthy" on it.
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