That evening AC and I decided that we needed to get away. Arrangements were made for a rental car and a night's stay at the Bellwether Hotel in Bellingham, WA. Jenks would get to spend some quality time at my parents house with their Boston Terrier, Bo.
The next morning, before we left, I was informed that we would have to tow the vehicle to a VW authorized garage - AWESOME, more money! I made a few phone calls to arrange the tow and service. AC walked over to the garage to pay the bill and then we left for Bellingham. (After dropping off friend's car and Ponkey.)
Our trip to Bellingham was great. We hit one of my favorite watering holes, Archer's Alehouse, where a few buddies of mine were bartending. Afterwards, we decided to walk around Fairhaven, so I could point out college memories to Alex. ('That was my favorite coffee shop my sophomore year, oooh and that's the table that I sat at all the time.' You know, the stories that are entertaining when you think of them, but when you share them with others, you realize you're just setting yourself up for an obligatory nod.) While walking past Dos Padres a friend of AC's popped her head out to see if it was really him walking by. We joined her and a few more padres for a bloody mary and cribbage spectation. All of this just reminds me of how much I love Bellingham.
We retreated back to the Bellwether where we inspected our room like little kids who have never been in a hotel before.

'Oooh look, a patio.'

The next morning we headed out to my favorite breakfast joint, which was overflowing with people waiting to eat. I forgot that you either have to show up an hour before sunrise or right before it closes to get a seat. We ended up crossing the street to Bob's Burger and Brew for their breakfast. The food was alright - I have to say, that was the first time that I have ever left BB&B not painfully full. I was thankful.
We then got a call from AC's friend who had AC's shoes for the past month (and AC was wearing his shoes - long story short, don't drink beer and swap shoes.) Anywho, he was playing indoor soccer at the Sportsplex, so we decided to stop by and swap shoes. AC's friend was on the field when we arrived so we watched some of the game. I was content. Soccer memories of years past flooded my brain. This time I even kept them to myself for AC's sake! No luck for you the reader, I'm going to share a few. "There was the spot that I scored my third goal in a game. That was the spot that I trashed-talked some opponent and then took the ball away from her. Over there I scored the game winning goal in the last few seconds. Against that wall is where I snapped my ankle. Thats the spot where I had the own-goal. There is where I charged at the ref and got thrown out of the game." I could go on forever with these memories - I played there on multiple nights for about 4 years.
Shoes were swapped and we were on our way back home. When we had finally returned to our apartment, I realized that 24 hours away was exactly what I needed. My mind was able to think about things other than work, money and the Jetta. I know that I spent a lot of time thinking about my college days, but I wasn't trying to relive them. (Even if the 3B wasn't torn down, I made a promise to myself that I couldn't go there after a certain age. I will miss you 3B!) My point is that I was able to give my brain a break from worrying about the daily stresses that we all have in our lives and just sit back and be content for a moment.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!! ;) Great memories in that Jetta!!! ;) hehe...Love to you all!!!!
coke and chocolate cake!
coke and chocolate cake!
BTW - its not a habit to take pictures of hotel rooms when I am in them, I just had this post brewing in my head when I was was much more cleaver when it was brewing in my head.
LMAO - I wrote 'cleaver', I meant clever, which apparently at this moment I am not!
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