Monday, March 31, 2008

Hmmm...I can't quite pinpoint what is different about Steve Raible...

So, I have less than a week left until my test. I haven't played soccer in over a week, I've missed two (two!) birthday parties and have been sitting at my ikea-dining-table-turned-desk for what seems like FOREVER! This brings me back to my college days that I had completely forgotten about, cramming for midterms and finals. I believe that if they had a contest for most creative procrastinator, I would definitely make it to the finals. Here are a few of my old habits that have resurfaced in the past two weeks in no particular order:

- Spending more time talking about how much I need to study vs. actually studying.

- HIGHLIGHT, HIGHLIGHT, HIGHLIGHT... its like I can't understand a sentence without underlining it.

- During much needed mental breaks watch tv shows that I wouldn't ordinarily watch. THEN: this is how I got hooked on Felicity. NOW: last week I noticed that Steve Raible (voice of the Seahawks) on Kiro7 shaved his mustache. This might of happened a long time ago, but I never watch local 11 pm news (Daily Show and Colbert are on).

- Call up everyone I know and leave rambling voice messages. THEN: (Left on Natalie's phone) "Mop.......broom........sponge........duster..... vaccuum cleaner...." (I guess you had to be there.) NOW: I suggest you check your voicemail.

- Dream up crazy scenarios with my friend Caitlin (we don't even need to be in the same state to do this it turns out.) THEN: I wrote out a very detailed e-mail about a GREAT idea. Picture this: Economicland Theme Park. One of its attractions would be a slide shaped like 'demand', which would intersect with 'supply' at some point. NOW: Contemplating a 1950's era Robot themed wedding. Our invitations could be super hi-tech card with a button that you push and hear, "Bee Bo Boop Beep Bop, you are invited..." Caitlin somehow incorporated stick people into the theme but I'm not sure how.

- Bug my roommates/AC every 15 minutes with random questions that have nothing to do with my studying. It is probably comparable to putting a 6 year old to bed for the evening ...every couple of minutes they'll come downstairs with a request like, "I need water", "Its noisy outside" , "I can't find my teddy bear"...I know, I was a pro at it, ask my mom!

-The random setting on on my disc player/iPod. THEN: I would bring my favorite three cds (which never seemed to be the same) to the library and listen to the 11-14 songs in random order. NOW: The iPod puts my 4000+ songs in random order. The music keeps me awake.

-Document my observations. THEN: Somewhere around here I have a floppy disc that has a 150 page word document that I guess could be called a journal. NOW: Have you noticed how many times I have posted on my blog in the last few weeks?!

Don't be worried just yet, I have been known to pull through! Alright, back to the grindstone, where's my highlighter....

1 comment:

caitlin said...

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED ZIP ZIP BEE BOO BOP TO THE UNION OF AC AND MJD BEE BOO BOP. Also - you could both wear foil-covered cardboard boxes with Lite Brite accents in lieu of traditional wedding attire. The first dance would be so amazing - just awkward cardboard box embrace to "Electric Avenue."