Monday, October 29, 2007

A Venting Vanilla Latte

Dear lady driving the gigantic SUV, talking on her cellphone while in the drive-thru line to purchase 18 drinks:
Next time, please park your rig and walk inside to complete your good deed of the day for your co-workers. It took me about 30 seconds of watching you make your orders (while also on your cell) to note that I would have to wait at least 15 minutes for my coffee. No problem. I pulled my car around, parked and ordered inside. After making my order, I stood across from the drive-thru window and gave you dirty looks while waiting for my coffee. (Which you didn't notice due to your cell phone.) Had you made a 'normal' order or gone inside to order, I would've been halfway back to the office by that point.

Maybe I'm just jealous that I'm the only one addicted to non-folgers coffee in my office and no one else in the office makes 'coffee-runs'.... no, that couldn't be.


caitlin said...

What if you just followed her to her office, crouched behind a hedge in wait, and then just jumped out at her and flipped all of her coffee carriers upside down.

Mary said...

I'd grab a couple for myself first!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the typical Starbucks customer? ;)

Mary said...

Hah! I never said that I was at Starbucks!

mommy23 said...

This is too funny Mary! We have all been there!